Marketing Consultant for Small Businesses
Hi, I’m Tom Halliburton, a small business marketing consultant from Edinburgh, Scotland. Now based in Gullane, East Lothian, I have been helping small business owners with their digital marketing for over 15 years.
I specialise in building marketing systems that engage, nurture, and educate your prospects before they ever speak to you. By the time they do reach out, they’re informed, motivated, and far more likely to do business with you—saving you time, and increasing your conversions.
The Smartest Way to Market Your Business
There’s a saying in marketing..
People tend to do business with those they Know, Like, and Trust!
However, they’re not always ready to do business right now.
In fact, it could take several interactions before they ever buy. So it pays to have a follow up system that keeps in touch with your prospects, while building trust by nurturing them until they are ready to buy!
It doesn’t matter which business you are in, this strategy can really help any type of business, both short term and long term.
Just ask yourself one important question..
What nugget of information or act of goodwill can you provide your prospects, that not only helps them, but positions you as an authority in your sector?
Stuck!..then ask me!
Yes, put me on the spot and see what ideas I can come up with for your lead nurturing system!
Contact Tom Halliburton by clicking the button below.